Percent Population 16-64 Unemployed and Looking for Work (2020)

Percent Population 16-64 Employed (2020)

Percent of Households with No Internet at Home (2020)

Total Number of Businesses

Percent Population 16-64 Employed

Percent Population 16-64 Unemployed and Looking for Work

Unemployment Rate

Percent Population 16-64 Not in Labor Force

Percent Population (25 Years and over) With Less Than a High School Diploma or GED

Percent Population (25 Years and over) With High School Diploma and Some College or Associates Degree

Percent Population (25 Years and over) with a Bachelors Degree or Above

Percent of Businesses that are 1 Year old or Less

Percent of Businesses that are 2 Years old or Less

Percent of Businesses that are 4 Years old or Less

Number of Businesses with Under 50 Employees

Total Dollar Amount Invested in Small Businesses per 50 Businesses

Number of Banks and Bank Branches per 1,000 Residents

Percent of Households with No Internet at Home

Total Number of Commercial Properties

Percent of Commercial Properties with Rehab Permits Above $5,000

Neighborhood Businesses per 1,000 Residents (NAICS Sectors)

Total number of Employees by Selected Neighborhood Industry (NAICS Sectors)

Number of Businesses by Selected Neighborhood Industry (NAICS Sectors)

Percent of Employed Residents who Work Outside the City

Number of Total Jobs Filled by Employees

Percent of Employed Residents Who Work Outside the City

Number of Total Jobs Filled by Employees